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Friday, January 17, 2014

Easy Apple & Celery Salad for when you are #sickoflettuce

mytinyheiney, mrc, metabolic research center, claire pearson
Delicious Apple & Celery salad for when you are #sickoflettuce  
Big thanks to Diane Alpeter who is based in Enterprise, AL for this fabulous recipe. Diane lost over 50 pounds on program 7 years ago and  says she loves this salad because, "mixing the crunchy textures with a hint of sweetness is delicious!"

Here's how you do it:
1 small apple (skin on) diced 
2 celery stalks diced 

Mix the apple and celery together and enjoy! Add 1 packet of sweetener, a dash of cinnamon and/or poppyseed with 2 tsp. canola oil to mix it up even more! 

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